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Kim Coates

Kim Coates

Birthday: 21 February 1958, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Height: 184 cm

Kim's film career began in 1991 with The Last Boy Scout. Two Warner Brothers' hits followed: Innocent Blood and The Client. Since that time he has starred in over forty films, including Acad ...Show More

Kim Coates
"When I decided to go to university I didn't know what I wanted to do. When I had an opportunity to Show more "When I decided to go to university I didn't know what I wanted to do. When I had an opportunity to take an elective I took Drama by chance, even though I'd never taken a Drama course or even been in a play in high school. Two years later I was majoring in Drama and I knew I wanted to be an actor. I still remember the teachers; they had a huge influence on me and were instrumental in becoming who I am today." (on his start in Acting) Hide
as Actor (187)